World’s first ever professional video gamer is Dennis Fong – Thresh. Dennis was born in 1977 in the People’s Republic of China (R.O.C.) and is now one happily retired professional gamer.
In addition to being a gamer, Thresh is also a businessman, co-founder of Xfire and Lithium Technologies.

By Uruiamme – Own work, CC BY 3.0.
How Did Dennis Fong Became First Gamer Ever?
Dennis Fong made his name in the gaming world by playing video games like Quake and Doom.
Back in 1993, Dennis began playing first-person shooter (FPS) game Doom.
Because of its popularity, Doom is considered to be one of the most significant cult video game in the history of gaming.
In addition to setting the founding stone of many other FPS games, Doom has opened a world of opportunities for professional gaming players such as Dennis Fong.
It is an interesting fun fact on how Thresh got his nickname. It came as a result of shortening his full nickname “Threshold of Pain”.
Because the most games in the 1990s had an 8-character ID length limit, Dennis came up with “Thresh”.
Therefore, you might also know him for the expression “threshing”, meaning “striking your enemy repeatedly”.
No doubt about it, Thresh has threshed his opponents thoroughly.
What Is Thresh Most Famous For?
Any respective gamers are using WASD key configuration to play games using a keyboard.
However, did you know that Thresh was the one who popularized using WASD configuration during thousands of hours playing first-person shooters?
Thresh ESP Meaning To First Professional Gamer Ever?
Have you ever wondered what does Thresh ESP stand for? It is a term coined by Thresh’s admirers, referring to his ability to apply “the sixth sense” in figuring out where his opponents are.
Above all, the most notable achievement is Thresh’s place in Guinness World Records book, as the first professional video gamer ever.
Is Thresh The First Professional Gamer Ever?
Thresh’s most famous career victory was against id Software CEO, John D. Carmack (Entropy). As a result of their battle, Thresh won Carmack’s Ferrari 328, together with his pride.
Thresh and Entropy played a Red Annihilation tournament, on the Quake map “Castle of the Damned”. As a result, Thresh defeated Entropy 14-1. Ouch!

By Heresy22 – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0.
You could have seen the Ferrari 328 parked in the lobby of GX Media office – can there be a better monument to his gaming triumphs?
In the recent years, 2016-2017, Thresh has been nominated for ESL Hall of Fame.
However, some are saying that first gamers were the inventors of first computer games ever, such as Bertie the Brain and Pong.
Despite that, we have to side with the Guinness World Records and ESL Hall of Fame.
Becoming a Professional Video Game Player
Learning about games can be confusing at times. Once you start practising in your spare time, you will begin to get better and faster. Being a professional video game player can be quite a lot of fun, especially if you have friends who also love playing games online.
If you want to be able to beat other people, you will have to be quite knowledgeable about all the different games that are out there. This includes knowing the different types of games and how to play them.
You should be able to learn about the new games that are out there before they hit the market. You will be able to improve your skills as a professional video game player, and being able to recognize what type of game to play, as well as when to play it.
Being able to anticipate what is going to happen is something that is quite difficult to do because you simply don’t know. Knowing how to identify games that you are going to play and being able to pick games based on what you have been practising, is something that takes practice.
Once you have mastered some of the basics of the different games, you will have the opportunity to become a professional video game player.
There are many ways to become a professional video game player, but there is a certain way that I prefer, and that is through practising your gaming skills, over and over again.
After all, Dennis Fong – Thresh is indeed, the first professional video gamer ever. You can be like him.